Thursday, 13 December 2012

Hello world; this is me!

Excuse the sleepover club reference within the title (or for those of you who didn't notice... don't look too much into it) but yes it is meeeeee!
After a (too) long hiatus I am back at the keyboard. Apologies, sorrys and yada yada. I have had a ridonkulously fabulous few months and have simply been too busy doing this - =D to post anything. So that this entry doesn't become the length of Noah's doorlist - I will summarise in chunks.

Home/Love life - Sigh. I am once again a FIFO wife. Note - without the title wife and the benefits of the mutual funds that come with being said wife but anyway. David started FIFO again in late September (which correlates exactly to the time that I gave up on my wittle blog). The thinking was/is that we will put in the hard yards and save for our first house (eek!). The thinking currently is more along the lines of 'wahhhh!'. In truth I've been pretty strong and have only cried once in the 3 months! For those of you who know me well, that is a record and a half for old blubber butt over here. I've been absolutely blessed (funny how these things work out - thank you universe) with the arrival of two housemates over this time. Bec and Cat - my little ports in the storm. Cat is my irish kindred spirit - so fortuatous that the two of us should come into each others' lives. We will 'room' together for a total of 6-7weeks and will say farewell (or by for now) next week. Cue cry number 2 methinks.

Kitchen - Still cooking and brewing and creating and baking. This month's brag book includes - my first fondanted cake for my darling Emma's birthday (NO photos sadly!); the best dinner creation ever of kale, sweet potatoes, beetroot, feta, flaxseed oil and seeds; raw brownies (yes I made them again); healthy Italian hot chocolate (rich and gooey and hooley toiltoes amazing!); mushroom and lentil patties and a shiteload of salmon. Mmmmm!

Fitness - chugging along is the best way to describe it! Have started to up the ante on the weekends with my long runs in hopes to eventually make it to that alluring 21km goal in 2013. But we shall see how that train chugs later...

Friends and Family - Fabulous and blessed. I CANNOT WAIT for the christmas break - please let it be known if you are a friend or family member - Emily is coming for the mother of all cud cuds! :)

Work - Busy! Business has really taken off these past few months with full days booked up on all of my private days. Can I get a yahooo?! I am absolutely loving everything about work at the moment - I lucked out with all the kids I have. The most beautiful little souls.

General - happy happy happy healthy bubbly Emily.


Love and cuddles and kisses.

*because we all know the chances of Emily doing an entry in the next few weeks is rarer than finding a black hair on me daddy's head (but it IS possible!!).

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