Thursday, 15 March 2012


I'M SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRY! Yes this is a VERY delayed post and I have been very lackadaisical and neglectful of this little blog. But never-the-less I'm here now and hopefully can share an update or two of the happenings of our country life. In my defence however, I would like to point out that I have been very busy! Hectic weekends make for NO time to sit and blog and I'm had my fair share of those this month so just keep that in mind before you award me 'world's worst blogger'! (Although I have always wanted a shiney trophy to put in the pool room...)

Over the past few weeks, a number of 'non-country' events have occurred. I've attended the wedding of a beautiful young couple (hehe) and the bride looked beyond-beautiful and ole-groomie looked rather dapper in his tux too! I've had lovely nights out and breakfasts with my girls - it's been so refreshing to see their smiling faces and to hear about the latest adventures in their own lives. I've celebrated birthdays w a few friends, and spent lots of time catching up w my gorgeous (formal netty team) girls. My face was so sore from smiling by Sunday night that I was ready to spend the 2hr lonely drive by myself to Capel just to recouperate hehe! I've also managed to jam in a few long runs with my Health/Fitness Yoda friend ('run and eat wholegrains you must') and we shared stories and advice and general banter over runs, breakfast and an exciting visit to the Running Centre in West Perth, where we each got fitted for new shoesies! I had a WONDERFUL dinner w my beautiful grandparents at my house a few weeks back and it was the most lovely night - we spent hours chatting away about anything and everything and it was so lovely to spend a bit more time w them after such a lonnnng time apart! My darling daddy has also been having his own adventures and I came up from work a few weeks back while dad was having an angiogram. Unexpectedly the doctor had a few words of caution and I am SO PROUD of how healthy my daddy is now. UBER proud ;)

Anyway that summarises Perth/family/friends life... And onto the SouthWest.

Domestic Godessness -
The Capel Kitchen has been buzzing with lots of exciting new recipes and experiments and general mess and fun. I've successfully tried a number of new dishes - as was my aim over the coming months - and without going into detail of every dish made I'll just explain my favourites! I made a yummy stuffed mushroom 'pizza' the other night w baked red salmon, ricotta and a lemon/parsely/LSA crumble. I loved it. Dave 'liked' it but needed a few sausages served with it to make it a real man's dinner hehe. I also have been a wee bit adventurous and made a beef, mushroom and barley risotto w dried porchini AND button mushrooms. So tasty and this was one of the more warmly received dishes from the man of the house. Just quickly a few others that have made me drool - crunchy chinese chicken salad (mm lots and lots of cabage and crunchy celery); italian tuscan bean soup (added lots of kale to give it bulk and this even got a big thumbs up from Dave's friend who was over for dins) and as always, lots of baked salmon w veges/salad. YUM YUM YUMMMMM.

Fitness/Training -
The mad quest to complete a half marathon continues. But Dave and I have clocked up a few impressive runs this week! If you heard any 'yahoo'ing coming from the general southwest area on Tuesday night it was because Emily and David did their first ever double-digit run. A small feat for some, a BIIIIIIG feat for me! 10.25km to be exact and the even more incredible thing (apart from the fact my arnie calves didn't give out sooner) was how good I felt afterwards! Breathing went straight back to normal, wasn't too sweaty/smelly and wasn't at all sore (after an initial post-run stretch out). Not too crazy of a weekend ahead, will do a 6km on Saturday and 8km on Sunday and then sleep well Sunday night I'm guessing! Overall I'm enjoying the training but am really starting to miss other things, like riding and swimming and netball. Netball season will soon be starting in Bsn and looks like I'll be repping the Busselton A grade 'Dodgers'. I'm excited to get back into it and playing netty will be a good way to meet/mingle with lots of ppl down here too :) I'm hoping that once my future down here is more decided (ie/ with my contracts and Dave's job etc) that I am able to join a local gym or rec centre and do a bit more 'tri' training. Who knows - maybe my next goal will be the half ironman in Bsn next year?! HAHAHAHA I kid, I kid.

Work -
Loving every minute of it. Work continues to make me smile and I am SO fortunate and grateful that the opportunity I sought out by moving down and trying the 'rural stint' proved to be every bit the adventure that I had hoped. I am absolutely blessed to have such an awesome team to work w down here and everyone goes out of their way to be lovely and make me feel at home. I'm feeling a lot more in control of my workload and managing the array of clients a little bit better now. I am still enjoying my paeds/adult split and am yet to have the lightbulb moment of realisation that I have been waiting for - so stay tuned to find out whether this speechie will be an Adult or Paediatric Clinician (only time will tell....). I was blown away by the cuteness of one of my little 3 year old clients this year who, after a block of therapy, had shown so much improvement and was an absolute little gem and his cuteness made me want to pick him up, cuddle him and pinch and squish his little chubby cheeks (note to self - be more professional)! He very sweetly decorated a lovely 'thank you' card for me and showed off his explosive artwork all over the page - and his mama bought me a very generous box of choccies. So sweet and it made me smile about how much these lovely people appreciated and noticed those little extra efforts that had gone in to his sessions. It gave me the warm fuzzies :):):)

So, rather boring entry I'm afraid, but oh wells - at least I finally put pen to paper (er fingers to keyboard) and shared the latest on my world!!

Hope all are well and I'm sending you all giant cuddles.

Mle xx

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