Thursday 19 April 2012

I am a terrible human being.

I am acutely aware of my abysmal efforts in keeping this blog running. I don't pretend to think I have any avid followers but I do apologise to anyone who has checked back a few times only to be disappointed with the same old blog post sitting there - not updated!! *Please note I am also aware that there is probably only one person reading this and I should instead target my apologies solely to them - sorry Mummy! :)

Anyway - with apologies and acknowledgement of my terrible complacency - on to more exciting things!

As I write this I am in my final week of work within the Bunbury Health Service - my contract ends on Tuesday next week and I have opted not to renew it. If there are any keen speechies out there though who are looking for a change - I am fairly certain the southwest will be advertising soon and are keen to get some staff on board! Excitingly I am pursuing a bit of a different avenue and doing some private work and working for myself three days a fortnight*! *Note - my boss is awesome.

I will be basing myself at a local school and working with the teachers and EAs to implement a speech and language program for all the little Busselton chic grommets and chikitas! I am really looking forward to this and although I imagine the path will be riddled with challenges and difficulties - I think that nothing will help me to mature and refine my skills better than an opportunity such as this so WATCH THIS SPACE! I'm also hoping to start up another little branch and trial a bit of private work seeing clients at my own home. This is in the very very very early stages but exciting to think it might come together in the coming months. It's really hard to see that services aren't available for a lot of clients due to current wait lists and lack of services in the rural settings, so hoping to chip in and do my bit to help out!

Another reason for my very delayed postings is the new arrival of a little bundle of joy (slash terror). David bit the bullet and bought a doggy! Although he is yet to meet her (coming home this wknd) it is technically his dog, but I have had the pleasure of raising and rearing for the past 5 days! I might take this opportunity to do a shout out to my amazing mother who trekked down to Capel and 'doggy sat' for the first few days while I was at work. Her duties included but were not limited to: cooking for her daughter (barley risotto and salmon quiche, freakin yum); playing w pup; feeding put; yelling at pup when her pants were almost torn to shreds; cleaning up messes and of course poopy scoopin.

That's about all the words I can squeeze out at the moment - being nanny to an 8 week old rotty pup is bloody exhausting but I PROMISE there will be an entry soon w photos chronicling the past few weeks. Including catch ups; Easter break; puppy fun and culinary creations!

Love and lots of cuddles from your favourite SouthWest resident.

Mle x

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