Friday, 15 June 2012

The Post Chaos Blog Entry

I'M ALIVE! Hehe. I am sure that a number of people questioned my mortality after the scary severe weather conditions over the past few days! But yes - David, Izzie and I are all safe and well! Sunday was quite scary, with us out and about making the most of the time with Dave's brothers and their lovely girlfriends while they were down in the SouthWest to spend time with us. So we were at Cape Naturliste at approximately 2pm when the storm winds hit - uprooted trees littered the roads, Margs was flooded and water gushed down the main drag, winds howled and we all drove VERY carefully and slowly to make it back to Capel alive! When we got back, we saw that our back gate had been blown open and I felt the first pangs of panic thinking 'Izzie has gotten out!'. Because the storms came completely out of nowhere, Izzie had been left (as per usual) outside for the day. So when we got back, we were already worried about how she held up in the weather, but when we saw the gate open - we shat ourselves! But we were so relieved to find her tucked away, scared but happy to see us, in her kennel! Oh thank frick - that was a very nervous run from the front to her kennel to see if I could see her. But since then we have had LOTS of ups and downs with the weather. Our poor little powerline that goes straight to our roof - was drooping down and held up only by a little twig from the tree out the front! Western Power are yet to fix it up but at least we are safe and it hasn't severed from the mains! I will post some of the crazy photos from the past few days too - absolutely incredible. Peppermint Beach (the small town just opposite Capel) was absolutely slogged - uprooted trees with root systems three times my height were scattered all along the drive!!

It has been a HUGE week for me career wise too but updates (and photos) to follow shortly so stay tuned!

Despite the ridiculous weather running training has continued and I am now the proud new owner of a Busselton gym membership! Haha, ah the simple joys in life. After having one to many instances in which I had to forego my scheduled run due to foul weather, I decided to be proactive and rid myself of all excuses hence buying myself access to a very dry, very indoor treadmill. I logged a few Kms on it last week, a 3km run, 5km run and then about 10km worth of sprints and hills. My god the treadmill is boring! I have met a few people who swear by treadmill running and claim they're not able to clock up nearly the same distance/time outdoors but frick me - I am NOT one of those people. Running alongside the beach or a nice park or even in simple old Capel is so much more motivating for me then thudding away in a gym. Plus I stupidly chose the middle treadmill for my 5km, which I realized about 2mins into it, was facing a mirror. 5km of watching myself run in shorts, uh uh, not for me... Hope all are safe, well, smiling and are busy following their own adventures :) Love and wet, storm soaked cuddles, Mle xx

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