Wednesday, 11 January 2012

A great start.

I started this morning in the most lovely and invigorating way possible - a morning beach run and quick dip in the ocean (all before 7:30am!!). I woke up a little groggy and not keen to get up at all, but the moment I actually got out of bed and outside in the sunshine, the grogginess completely lifted! Dave and I did a little barefoot run alongside the water and it was sooo pretty! It was my first barefoot/beach run and it did feel completely different than anything I've done before. I kept sinking in the sand with every step, which means that my thighs and ample derriere were working overtime (yesss!), and even my *Arnie calves took a beating. But after we were done, we had a quick cool down in the ocean. I went to knee deep because although I've tackled a few fears (moving to a new place, sleeping with the lights off (arghhh - still terrified!!), etc) I have not yet overcome my irrational fear of stingers. So much to the delight of ole 'Murphy's Law', the local jelly monster population had migrated especially to our part of the beach to welcome me to Peppermint Grove. But, in summary, it was an absolutely perfect start to the morning!!

I then went off to begin my first day in Bunbury. I started there this morning, with a pretty relaxed first day of introductions and orientation, and so far it's fantastic. I'm really excited about the designated caseload I've received as my role involves managing the 3 year old caseload. I already have a few clients booked in over January and I'm really looking forward to experiencing the challenges and excitement of early intervention! It's always been an area that I've been keen on but haven't yet had the opportunity really to pursue. So I will keep you updated on the adventures that I have in my new job and I'm sure this blog will adopt a "kids say the darnedest things" approach as, with littlies like these 3 year olds, I'm sure there will be a few pearlers that come out of the sessions! I'm also hoping to use this blog as a way of sharing different activity ideas and educational sort of resources specific to child/adult speech and language treatment - for any of my speechie/teacher/health worker friends that may be interested! Or even anyone that might be keen to learn a bit more. But I'll see how that goes... It was one of my 2012 resolutions but that list seems to be growing by the day as I tack on new challenges and mini-milestone sort of projects, so please don't hold me to it! My over-ambitious self will get there in the end ;)

I met David after work and we did a biiiiiig shop! Our pantry and fridge are now immaculately stocked and in perfect order! We were very grateful to have a very generous gift vouchers (thank you nanny and poppy!) that helped us with the big purchase and lessened the blow on the wallet! We used our newly acquired spices and pastes and sauces and vegetables to make a bloody yummy curry for dinner and topped off the meal with a glass of vino to celebrate my first day :)

 Hope everyone has had a wonderful hump day - the weekend is so close, I can smell it!

Mle x

* For those of you playing at home and are unawares; my calves resemble those of pro-bodybuilder-turned-C grade actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Handy to have for muscle man competitions, not so handy for short dresses or tight legged jeans. Ah well. Thems the breaks!

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