I had to re-evaluate the title of this a few times as it feels like it should infact be a 'Happy Monday' entry because of yesterday's public holiday and coming back to work today just feels strange and out right wrong! But I am excited because I'm Perth Bound again this evening! I have the wedding of my beautiful friend tomorrow, then the christening of David's beautiful baby cousin on Sunday plus a few catch ups scheduled here and there with friends and family. So the weekend promises to be pretty amazing! Except of course for the disgusting heatwave currently ploughing through Perth, trying (and succeeding) to melt my face off.
Yesterday was a wee bit of a struggle for David and I. Our first whole day to spend together this year, where we had the whole day to lounge around, listen to the Hottest 100 countdown, have a barbie and perhaps visit the beach for a bit in the afternoon. Plans, however, soon went awry as the mercury levels in our carpetted and nil airconditioned house soared higher and higher with every passing minute. I love the house we are in, I think it's so quaint and just has this amazingly welcoming feel about it and from the moment I stayed there - it felt like home. So all that said and done, I can also recognise that our gorgeous little house would have no troubles filling the post of "town sauna" if the usual one ever busted. (And, just quietly, I do not infact know whether the town of Capel has a sauna. I used the refererence merely for a comedic comparison). Also, it should be noted, that Emily is an absolute idiot who is ridiculously overambitious and believes she can tackle a BIG problem or task 'in a few weeks' because surely she'll be ready by then. Case in point, yesterday's fun run in Bunbury. I signed up on a whim a few weeks ago thinking it would be a great start to the day and hoping I could coerse David into running with me (all attempts at this failed miserably, and the lucky bugger got a sleep in, much to the envy of his bonehead girlfriend). I knew it was going to be tough when I heard what the weather was forecast to be but I thought I'd give it a go anyway. I was sick all morning w the infamous Emily 'nervous tummy' and felt pretty crappy at the starting line. It was my first EVER solo event and I was proud of myself for having the balls to even register but I did really want to try and complete the whole distance (10km). It was 2 laps of a 5km course around the beautiful Leschenault Inlet in Bunbury (which definitely made the run easier, I've always struggled less if I'm running alongside or near water), and competitors had the option of stopping at the 5km first lap or continuing on. I had planned to attempt the 10km (3km more than my longest, no-breaks running distance) but at about 4km the heat was getting to me and I still felt dehydrated and weak from having an upset tummy all morning so I pulled the pin at 5km. Even though I didn't do what I came to do, I was proud of my efforts and independance in competing in my first solo run. I did it in 31mins which is nowhere near my ideal or best time but, hey everyone needs to start somewhere!! I handed in my bib and grabbed a bottle of water, did a quick stretch and then headed home sufficiently sweaty. I don't know if it was the perfectionist in me or what, but the ENTIRE drive home, I was thinking about how disappointed I was in myself that I didn't complete the distance I'd planned, and sure the weather was awful but I am trying to have a 'no excuses' attitude and that just didn't cut it. So I resolved that during the day, at some point, I would complete the additional 5km that would mean that I could hold my head high and say that, yes, I DID run 10km on Australia Day. I arrived home to find David sleeping soundly and thought 'oh well, no time like the present' and immediately head back out to do another 5km run. It was hidiously hard and the heat at this time (8:30ish) was even higher than when I had done the run earlier, but I think the big man wanted me to be able to do it for myself, so for the extra half hour or so that it took to clock up my kms, there was a lovely breeze that gave a bit of relief from the burning sun and humid air.
Dave and I spent the morning listening to the earlier parts of the countdown and then decided on a trip to Yallingup to laze about on the beach. Emily, being the scardy cat that I am, couldn't go too deep into the water because it was a pretty rough day and I don't go anywhere near waves that are taller than me :\ So Dave had a bit of a surf and actually utilised the big waves rather than running and hiding like me!!
We did Australia proud and had a yummy barbie w grilled veges and salad to boot. Mmm.
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and has returned to the final day of the working week with oodles of energy and enthusiasm! Bring on the weekend! :):)
Mle xx
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